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GWMS e*news - May 23rd


Dear Parents, Guardians and GW Staff:

HSA Notices

HSA Meeting TODAY! Please join us at 1:30pm for the May HSA Meeting. All are welcome to attend. April Meeting Minutes

Back by Popular Demand! Melissa Straub will be presenting to our Middle School Community one last time on June 1st at 6:15 in BF’s library. She has graciously agreed to this time to make it convenient for all those parents dropping off at our six grade mixer. We encourage all rising six grader parents (current fifth gr parents) to attend as well. While she will cover some of the social media dilemma Mr. Shoemaker presented a few weeks ago, she will take a step back and offer the 101’s on the popular media platforms as well. In addition, she will give generous time for Q&As as this was very popular last time. Coffee will be served! Grab a cup and get ready to learn and ask questions!

8th Grade Promotion Festivities Our 8th graders have some very exciting events coming up. Please register/pay for your child and sign up if you can help out at these events. Registration/payment is due by June 1st. Please click on this link to pay for your student and select any dietary restrictions. Any financial concerns please contact Dr. Kashmanian directly, No student will be denied participation. ttps://

Please sign up to help at one or both of these special events. Without your help these events are not possible.

School Supply Kits for next school year are on sale now! Go to and enter GW's account number - 89375 - and choose your child's grade for the 2023-2024 school year. Kits will be delivered to your home prior to the start of school. (Optional calculators purchased will be distributed separately.) All orders must be placed by the last day of school, June 22, 2023. Questions? Contact Kim Salomon:

PE Shirts for next year are also on sale! Order your mandatory PE shirts for the 2023-24 school year (2 recommended):

6th Grade GW/BF Mixer - On Thursday, June 1st from 6 - 8 pm our combined HSAs are hosting a mixer for every 6th grader in town. There is room for everyone and lots of fun planned - rain or shine. There will be over a dozen inflatables from our 60 foot obstacle course & Bubble soccer battle, to our Rock Wall & Hatchet throwing - and don't forget our DUNK TANK, complete with special guests. Pizza, popcorn, cotton candy and more! $10 pp for entry, bring additional money for food and drink. Event will take place on the small, enclosed backfield of BF. If it rains, the event will be moved indoors to GW's Gym. Purchase your ticket here!

6th Grade Parent Volunteers NEEDED! We need parent volunteers for the 6th grade GW/ BF Mixer!

Please click here and fill out the link to help at the event on June 1!

GWMS Notices & Reminders


We do all we can not to interrupt your child's class during instruction time. It is important for all Early Dismissal requests to please follow the instructions below:

If your student needs to be dismissed before the end of the school day, you must give them a signed note indicating the reason for the request. This must be brought to the Main Office by the student at the start of the school day. The student will receive an Early Dismissal pass. At the start of the designated period, they will show the teacher the pass so they can leave the class at the designated time and report to the Main Office to await pick up.


Classes begin at 8 am. Students are expected to be in their classroom when the 8:00 bell has rung. If your child will be tardy for any reason, you must call the Absence line at 201-670-2784 prior to 8:45 am. All reasons for tardiness require a phone call. If a student does not make it to class by 8 am, he/she will be marked tardy. After 8 am, your child should go directly to the Main office to obtain a late pass. Ongoing tardiness may be dealt with at the discretion of the Administrators.

Mark your calendar for these important dates in May & June:


5/31 - 8th Grade Washington DC Trip


6/1 - 8th Grade Washington DC Trip

6/1 - 6th Grade BF & GW Mixer 6-8pm

6/2 - 8th Grade Washington DC Trip

6/14 - GW Film Festival @ 6:30pm

6/15 - 8th Grade Recognition Ceremony @ 10am

6/15 - 8th Grade Carnival 12 - 2:45pm

6/19 - NO SCHOOL

6/20 - 8th Grade Promotion Party 3-7pm

6/21 - 8th Grade Promotion @ 9:30am

6/22 - Minimum Day, Last Day of School


Ridgewood Junior Cheer Registration for Grades 2 - 8 is now Open!

Ridgewood Public Library Foundation Clambake Saturday, June 3rd, 7pm - 11pm at Ridgewood Country Club

2023 Middle School Girls Summer Camp RHS Maroons Girls Soccer Camp grades 6-8. July 24 - 28th

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