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Please consider joining in our Birthday Book Program and making a lasting gift
to the Media Center. Not only will your child benefit, but also the countless others who will read the pages of the book you have gifted. We thank you in advance for your generosity.

School Library "Birthday Book" Donation Program
One way to recognize a student's birthday is through the donation of a "Birthday Book". Parents may purchase a book to donate to the school library in honor of their scholar's birthday.
We will have a special bookplate with the child's name and birthday adhered inside the front cover of the book.
Throughout the year, Mrs. Brown, our Media Specialist, will purchase books that best supplement the existing collection. You can also select a book of your choice from a catalogue of available titles.
If your child's birthday is in summer, we will display their selected books in January/February.
Your child can be the first one to check the book out. Once returned, it becomes part of the Media Center collection so other students can enjoy it, too. During the year, birthday books may be displayed in a special section of the Media Center.
We will include a summary each month with donated Birthday Books on this website gwhsa.org.
What a wonderful impact your child leaves at school!
Deadline to purchase is Friday, October 8th.
Click the button below to register for Birthday Books and then make your payment by clicking on product below.