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GWMS e*news - March 2, 2023


Dear Parents, Guardians and GW Staff:

HSA Notices

GW’s Think Spring Food Drive 3/6 - 3/17 - There are so many families in need of help. Let’s be generous and do what we “can” to help. Please bring in canned or packaged non-perishable items and drop them off in your homeroom. Click here for list of needed items. Grocery store gift cards are also welcome. Please drop off your donations in your homeroom. The homeroom with the highest number of items will receive a sweet snack!

Spring Spirit Wear Sale - Spring is just around the corner! Stock up on t-shirts, sweatshirts, hats, umbrellas, flannel pants and more. Click here to view the store and purchase!

Student and Parents Assemblies with Tim Shoemaker - On Tuesday, March 14th, Tim Shoemaker will speak to all the students about their "Digital Dilemma." In addition, there will be a parent presentation that evening at 6:30pm in the Auditorium. Parents can feel free to attend the morning presentation with the students or the evening session. The assembly will delve into the topic of how the kids are being manipulated by their screens. He will talk about the physiology and neurology that is being changed in the process. Sensitive topics like anxiety, depression, identity outlook will be cautiously presented as well as the fear we all have about the industry selling our kids’ data to the highest bidder. Mr. Shoemaker will also review best hygienic practices for digital devices, personal privacy issues, limits and other settings to use, alternatives to screen time, online predators and more. Mr. Shoemaker has been on TV and radio news. Mr. Shoemaker is an award-winning presenter and public servant, recognized by the National Titles and honored by the US Congress. He has enriched hundreds of thousands of students of all ages across the country. We hope you will attend this powerful presentation. These assemblies are funded by the GWHSA using funds collected through annual dues and fundraisers. **Parents who are not able to attend the evening presentation to attend the 12:30 GW presentation. Any parent who wants to attend can sign-in the Main Office and attend in the Auditorium.

GWMS Notices & Reminders


If your student needs to be dismissed before the end of the school day, you must give them a signed note indicating the reason for the request. This must be brought to the Main Office by the student at the start of the school day. The student will receive an Early Dismissal pass. At the start of the designated period, they will show the teacher the pass so they can leave the class at the designated time and report to the Main Office to await pick up.


Classes begin at 8 am. Students are expected to be in their classroom when the 8:00 bell has rung. If your child will be tardy for any reason, you must call the Absence line at 201-670-2784 prior to 8:45 am. All reasons for tardiness require a phone call. If a student does not make it to class by 8 am, he/she will be marked tardy. After 8 am, your child should go directly to the Main office to obtain a late pass. Ongoing tardiness may be dealt with at the discretion of the Administrators.

Mark your calendar for these important dates in March and April:


3/4 - Super Science Saturday @ RHS

3/9 - Career Day

3/13 - Professional Development Day - SCHOOLS CLOSED

3/14 - Timothy Shoemaker Presentation

3/22 - HSA Meeting @ 1:30 pm


4/3 - 4/7 - SCHOOLS CLOSED

4/14 - 8th Grade Dance

4/25 - 4/27 - Book Fair

4/19 - HSA Meeting @ 1:30 pm


Super Science Saturday March 4th, 2023 9:00am-1:30pm, at Ridgewood High School

RBSA Opening Day Vendors Needed! Calling all vendors- RBSA will be hosting the 72 th Opening Day Parade and Family Fun Day to kick off the start of Ridgewood Baseball and Softball season at Vets Field on Saturday, April 22, 2023 from 9 am to 1pm.

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